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Architecture in the United States

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Architecture in the United States
Autor: Jodidio, Philip (Ed.)
Contemporary architecture by country

TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects—from the firmly established to the up-and-coming—with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured.

Architects featured: Asymptote, Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, Boora Architects, Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Frank O. Gehry, Steven Holl, Michael Jantzen, Jones, Partners: Architecture, Lewis.Tsurumaki.Lewis, Richard Meier, Morphosis, Eric Owen Moss, James Stuart Polshek, Antoine Predock, Rural Studio, Scogin Elam, Williams and Tsien.
Carte în limba: engleză
Editura: Taschen
ISBN: 9783822852606

Format: 192 p., 231 x 289 mm, hardback

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0731 357 987
Luni-vineri: 10.00-18.00
Sâmbata: 10.00-14.00

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